Chapter 99: Tufte (layout example)
This page will keep a very short reference of some common Tufte elements and how to create them.
Some text11. This is a margin note. Notice there isn't a number preceding the note.
This is a pretty great quote from the man himself. Maybe one of the best quotes that are out there.
Some text.22. This is another margin note. Notice there isn't a number preceding the note.And some more text that goes after a margin.
This section shows what you can do with figures. It will have an inline figure, a margin figure, and a full-width figure.
This paragraph44. Can also have some text below it that can be pretty longhas a margin note with an image.
Below is a full-width figure. Adding some more text for spacing. Adding some more text for spacing. Adding some more text for spacing. Adding some more text for spacing. Adding some more text for spacing. Adding some more text for spacing. Adding some more text for spacing. Adding some more text for spacing. Adding some more text for spacing. Adding some more text for spacing.
The following example shows how to make an iframe.
This shows how to make a code block.
def hello_world():
print('Hello world!')